Q75x Pro

8inch visual experience
7inch graceful figure

More narrow frame, more suitable for the width, more comfortable grip a born beauty itself is a kind of quality


Strong quad core,
the ultimate experience

Equipped with high performance and low power consumption in one of the quad core processor chip Let both HD video or large 3D games are like visual presentation, fully and delightfully freely flowing style of writing.


This is a look at the inner and
the appearance of the

More color, more than one kind of mood I'll pay for your colors.


Not only do you have a good time to listen,
you don't have to



Q75x Pro
Q75X Animals 1
Q75X Animals 2
Q75X Balloons1
Q75X Balloons2
Q75x cartoongirl1
Q75x cartoongirl2
Q75x colorhands1
Q75x colorhands2
Q75x coolkids 1
Q75x coolkids 2
Q75x football kids1
Q75x football kids2
Q75x Golfkids1
Q75x Golfkids2
Q75x Gun1
Q75x Gun2
Q75x Kids1
Q75x Kids2
Q75x Pubg1
Q75x Pubg2